Feeling rather down today. Nothing seems to work out, especially this week. Feeling so confused about so many things in my life lately. Work, guys (singular, actually), the future, and feeling extremely insecure.. I need to get out of this rut.
The past year has actually been pretty good, it's just the past month has been awkward. Maybe moving out of my parents has a bit to do with it. I don't know...
There were a few good parts to the week however (yes let's be positive here!) I got to see Katie and spend some time with her.

Katie & Me :)
Saw my dogs Monday and Wednesday. Thank God I only live 10 minutes away from my family. My family is the most important thing to me. My mom, dad, bro and my little furry animals. The other great part to my week was when I made pumpkin pie pastry's (or pumpkin pie pop tarts).

Unfortunately, I didn't take a decent photo of 'em, since I devoured one before I thought of photographing it. But, let me just say, they were amazzzzing!! I am so tempted to go into the fridge and heat one up as I type!
I hope tomorrow is a better day. I need to stay positive, find thr motivation to be strong and keep myself inspired and happy.

Sweet Dreams,