Back to the 80's
Feb 26 2009 by Joanne Welford, Evening Gazette
IF you still have a wardrobe full of leggings and batwing tops - don’t despair. Eighties style is back with a vengeance. Joanne Welford reports.
HAVE you still got a ra ra skirt lurking somewhere at the back of your wardrobe? What about a pair of leggings or, dare we say it, a jumpsuit and a pair of ankle boots?
Well, don’t get rid of your gear. The Eighties boulder shoulder pads and Sue-Ellen suits are long gone, but there’s a definite retro influence on shape and colour that owes a lot to the early days of Madonna, pictured.
Mel Morrison, deputy manager at Miss Selfridge in Middlesbrough, says there are lots of leggings, frills and vest style tops giving an exciting new spin to this season’s looks.
“Eighties looks are definitely in,” says Mel.
“It is easy to wear and is about being a little bit different rather than going for the average jeans-and-a-top look.”
Tops with full sleeves matched with a waist hugging belt, leggings and vests and plenty of accessories are key.
And, says Mel, so is colour.
“It is what you make of it and what you feel comfortable in,” she says. “There is lots of colour around, too.”