This summer would of been amazing to fly to Europe to get away from life and work for a few weeks...
..Fortunately, I know someone who did, so I can vicariously live through her! Hehe.
Her name is Katie Harlow. She for the first time ventured out to Europe for a two week course at Parson's school of Design in Paris, France. She left on the Fourth of July, which is ironic since it's her first independent abroad experience. Her first experience abroad a matter of fact! Today she visited Champs de Lycees, where they went around taking photos. She wrote saying that
"The Champs de Lycees is huge!! So many stores, beautiful gardens and GORGEOUS monuments. You would LOVE it!".
So far she has visited Luxembourg Gardens, Latin Quarter where the Panthenon is, Montmartre in Northern Paris (where the Moulin Rouge is), Fashion district, and a neighborhood in Paris called Hotel de Ville.
She writes about the fashion, "The fashion is so great here! Everyone dresses up which is awesome. I have yet to see someone walking around in sweats and tennis shoes."
It's true! When I ventured off by myself to the great unknown (England and Wales) last summer, I was amazed at how nicely everyone dresses. Very impressive! When I got back to L.A, all I saw were girls wearing their Victoria Secret PINK sweatpants. There is a definite difference between LA and London fashion wise. They take risks and we don't.
This weekend she ventures off to Versailles and Charter.

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